Boardwalk Steak!



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Hi Housewives!

Did you have Steak-Umms as a kid?  I did…maybe not the best thing for you but who knew back then…

How about the steak sandwiches from the Jersey Shore? Ummm….Delish!

Or better yet, if you’ve been to Philly, one of their amazingly famous Steak Sandwiches?  Yea!  It doesn’t get better than that….

Well, I’m here to tell you that you no longer need to trek miles for those sandwiches…you can now make them in the comforts of your own home.  And the best part is you can make them as healthy or as unhealthy as you like! Who knows what is put into those Boardwalk sandwiches and how much fat you are consuming unnecessarily….LOL!  When you make your own you are in control and know exactly what you put into your meal and you don’t sacrifice taste.  When I ate this it was just as good and maybe even better, definitely less greasy! :)

Another plus is that this is Super Quick to cook!  No need to slave over the oven….it’s perfect for when you are busy and need a fast meal.

One day, in the supermarket I stumbled across this shredded steak in the meat section.  It was very thinly sliced steak.  I was skeptical at first but it looked good so I decided to give it a whirl.  Memories of Seaside Boardwalk steak sandwiches danced in my head at that moment so I bought an onion, two peppers and some cheese and decided to try to make my own steak sandwich.

  • 1 package of the steak (I’ve found this at Shop-Rite and Trader Joe’s)
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 2 peppers (I usually get 2 different color peppers just to give it more color)
  • olive oil
  • cheese (American, mozzarella whatever you like) optional
  • Italian Bread (optional)

Heat a little olive oil in a pan and when heated through add your chopped onion and peppers and cook.  When almost cooked, add your shredded steak and cook until no longer pink.  YOU ARE DONE cooking at this point!  Now what you decide to do here is entirely up to you.  You can make a sandwich or just plate it.

I usually skip the bread and just plate it.  I add some shredded cheddar to the top and enjoy!

If you like put it on some Italian bread and top with your favorite cheese! Delish!  You can also be creative and add anything else you like….



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